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Top CV Errors

When writing a CV, it's very easy to make some simple mistakes, as well as trying to overload it with as much information about yourself as possible. Here are ten errors you should avoid to make sure your CV is the best it can be.

1. Spelling and Grammar

Always ensure your computers spell-check function is enabled to make sure that words are correctly spelt. If you are unsure on how a word is spelt, search for it in a dictionary - don't guess!

Remember: Always proof-read and double check your CV before submitting it, a good method is by asking a family member or friend to read it.

2. Lying.

Honesty is the best policy. Making up your achievements, past experiences and qualifications will outshine what you have truly worked hard for to achieve.

Remember: Your CV represents you, be honest in what you are including.

3. Formatting.

Inconsistent fonts, a mixture of headline sizes, odd paragraph spacing, unaligned bullet points and text can leave your CV looking childish and unprofessional. Choose one font and text size to use consistently throughout your CV, this creates a neat and attractive looking CV for your employer.

4. Length of your CV.

The key to getting a perfect CV is the length. Just because you have a longer CV than one of your friends, doesn't mean it's content is any better. CVs are often way too long and contain unnecessary information, as well as being too short with information that is vague. Make sure yours contains the right amount of information which is important, e.g. grades and experiences. Aim to make your CV no longer than two pages.

5. Meaningless Introduction.

Your introduction is one of the main things your recruiter will look at when reading your CV. Ensure that if you decide to use an introduction for your CV, it is straight to the point and clearly outlines your key qualifications.

6. An unprofessional email address.

When writing your CV, you want to ensure that everything about it is professional. It is a big mistake when writing a CV that the contact email address used is an old, embarrassing one. For example:, you may want to create a new email address.

Although the risk of this affecting you getting the job is low, this is the recruiters only judgement of you at the time.

7. Messy layout.

Break your information up clearly using paragraphs and bullet points, this sets the format out neatly and makes information easy to find, so that the document does not have to be repeatedly read. CVs with messy layouts are hard to read.

8. Images and emojis.

Images, logos and emojis are not necessary in a CV, they often take up a lot of space that could be used for another purpose, avoid the use of these.

Your employer wants to see your qualifications and skills, not images.

9. Basic language.

The language used in your CV is very important and conveys your ability, aim to use sophisticated language where possible. Use impressive terminology and complex sentence types to broadcast your points, don't be afraid to show off a little.

10. Roles incorrectly ordered.

You will have to list your past and current roles on your CV, this means your most recent job role will be at the top and your oldest at the bottom. Recruiters are more interested in your current job skills and abilities, not ones from your first ever job. Make sure this is correct in your CV!

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